Don't Waste Your Water

Fresh water is in crisis. The signs are everywhere, but denial is strong. In the West, we blame drought

However, drought in the West has been a part of life for centuries. Good water years, even decades, have always alternated with poor ones. What has changed is our “civilized” approach to the use of fresh water. Simply put, we consume so much more fresh water than past societies. We waste it, pollute it, then flush it down the drain and forget it.

And don’t just think that those problems come only from big industrial plants and agricultural uses. While big operations cause most damage, you and me bear a huge part of the blame. Even in areas where there is ample rainfall, most fresh water has to be transported to your city’s water plant, then treated to be useable. Our voracious appetite for fresh water is not sustainable.

Our daily shower is one of the biggest factors that impact communities’ fresh water supply. The most common estimates for shower use in the U. S. range from 16%-21% of household water use. Europe is concerned as well, and many EU countries have programs to educate consumers on how to reduce shower consumption of fresh water. Even Chinese authorities have noted that their citizens are beginning to use showers to relax, as well as to get clean.

Relax? In the shower? I’m guilty of that and I must confess it’s a habit I find hard to break. I bet you, too, can think of some easy things you personally can do to reduce wasting fresh water.

At we have suggestion you might not have thought of. Wear a shower cap so you don't have to wash your hair everyday.